What is Public Relations (PR)?
What is Public Relations? “Public relations” is just another way of saying “taking
care of our relationships.”
Why PR is important “Our relations with the public enable us to share this message broadly so that those who might benefit from our program of recovery can find us.” For a deeper understanding, we recommend all members read The PR Handbook.
Public Relations/Information Service Request
If you would like to arrange a presentation or speak to someone in more detail about the services we offer please contact the Public Relations Subcommittee at 1-888-947-7262 or email us at [email protected]
Requests for informational services can include the following:
- Community awareness meetings
- NA at your health fair/conference
- Presentations to professionals
- Media inquiries
Here are some additioal resources for PR:
Hospitals and Institutions Service Request
If you are representing a hospital or other institution you can also contact our Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittee at 1-888-947-7262 or email us at [email protected]
Requests for NA Meetings/Presentations or Literature to clients or representatives of
- Hospitals,
- Jails,
- Addiction treatment facilities and other institutions.
For additional info, go to our H&I page