There are currently Fetching... groups, offering a total of Fetching... meetings per week.
February 11, 2025 |
A curse into a blessing |
Page 43 |
"We have become very grateful in the course of our recovery.... We have a disease, but we do recover." |
Basic Text, p. 8 |
Active addiction was no picnic; many of us barely came out of it alive. But ranting against the disease, lamenting what it has done to us, pitying ourselves for the condition it has left us in--these things can only keep us locked in the spirit of bitterness and resentment. The path to freedom and spiritual growth begins where bitterness ends, with acceptance. There is no denying the suffering brought by addiction. Yet it was this disease that brought us to Narcotics Anonymous; without it, we would neither have sought nor found the blessing of recovery. In isolating us, it forced us to seek fellowship. In causing us to suffer, it gave us the experience needed to help others, help no one else was so uniquely suited to offer. In forcing us to our knees, addiction gave us the opportunity to surrender to the care of a loving Higher Power. We would not wish the disease of addiction on anyone. But the fact remains that we addicts already have this disease--and further, that without this disease we may never have embarked on our spiritual journey. Thousands of people search their whole lives for what we have found in Narcotics Anonymous: fellowship, a sense of purpose, and conscious contact with a Higher Power. Today, we are grateful for everything that has brought us this blessing. |
Just for Today: I will accept the fact of my disease, and pursue the blessing of my recovery. |
Copyright (c) 2007-2023, NA World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
Welcome to the Piedmont Area of Georgia NA Website
Welcome to the GA Piedmont Area of Narcotics Anonymous website. The purpose of this website is to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Narcotics Anonymous, especially the local NA fellowship. By making this information available on the internet, we hope to make ourselves more accessible to those with a desire to stop using drugs and to the community as a whole. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion. It is not our intention to promote the NA program, but it is our hope that those who are attracted to our way of life will be able to find us easily.
For Info Call Us @ 1-888-947-7262
And Remember “There Is A Way Out”
Our website provides Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meeting Schedules and other information for Middle Georgia, including the communities of Macon, Warner Robins, Centerville, Dublin, Eastman, East Dublin, Forsyth, Ft. Valley, Hawkinsville, Macon, Milledgeville, Perry, Sparta, Sandersville, Tennille, and other places. We include links to websites for the Georgia Region and Narcotics Anonymous World Services (NAWS). Our Web-site Purpose is to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Narcotics Anonymous, especially to the local NA fellowship. Our Hope is to make ourselves more accessible to those with a desire to stop using drugs and to the community as a whole. Our Public Relations Policy is based on attraction rather than promotion. It is not our intention to promote the NA program, but it is our hope that those who are attracted to our way of life will be able to find us easily.
Please send PASC group donations to: PASC P. O. Box 4362 Macon, GA 31208 OR Cash App by Square, Inc. Cash Tag Name: $piedmontarea Account: piedmont area service committee.
Our ASCs are scheduled for the following Sundays in 2025 at iHope, 603C Russell Pkwy, Warner Robins 31088.
12 Jan 2025 (Please note change from previosly announced date of 5 Jan 2025)
2 Feb 2025
6 Apr 2025
6 July 2025 unless it’s considered part of the 4th of July weekend in which case it would be 13 July 2025
3 Aug 2025
5 Oct 2025
2 Nov 2025
There are no ASC Meetings in March, June, September and December because there are Regional Meeings those months. Future ASC Meetings will also be indicated on our events calendar. They will be at iHope, 603C Russell Pkwy, Warner Robins 31088. More will be revealed if there are any changes.
The groups’ conscience was to do away with Hybrid and Zoom. All ASC meetings will be accessible in person only at the specified location.
Some of our Area Service positions are still vacant. Details are in our latest minutes. Nominations and Service Resumes for all vacant Area Positions are needed. We need willingness!!
We have some forms that you can use at our Face-to-Face (in person) Area Meeting. These are in Microsoft Word and Excel formats as well as Adobe Acrobat PDF format and are available on our Forms page. Printed copies will be available at the in person meeting, These can be either filled out online and uploaded or emailed, or printed out and completed in advancet and either brought to the face-to-face meeting or scanned and emailed or texted back to the area. These are provided as a convenience and in accordance with our Traditions this should not be considered to be an endorsement of any Microsoft or Adobe Acrobat products.
Our area uses Consensus Based Decision Making (CBDM). Here is a link to some information on CBDM
For a copy of our Area Policy, Please visit our Policy page
Web-site Purpose:
to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Narcotics Anonymous, especially the local NA fellowship.
Our Hope:
to make ourselves more accessible to those with a desire to stop using drugs and to the community as a whole.
Public Relations Policy:
is based on attraction rather than promotion. It is not our intention to promote the NA program, but it is our hope that those who are attracted to our way of life will be able to find us easily.
Regional Website:
Here is a link to our regional website:
Spiritual Principle a Day Book:
Our Spiritual Principle a Day Book has been approved. Here is a link to subscribe to receive the new Daily Meditation via email:
A Spiritual Principle a Day (SPAD)
The SPAD Daily Meditation is also available on the GRCNA Website, where you can also register for GRCNA
© 2022 PASCNA, NA Literature © 2022 NA World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.